Hi guys, a reader just mailed us some photographs taken during the day of the no confidence vote. We didn't know what to do with the pics (the mailer says, they've been clicked by Rajtilak Naik) for while... Something just struck us. Perhaps we could fit in a caption and roll one in everyday... Let's see how this works out...
NOT TOO PRUDENT: Journalists surrounding chief minister Digu on D day. The guy in the blue shirt (holding the NDTV gun-mike does look like The Navhind Times Editor Arun Sinha, without the mooch of course. Hey guys and the short chap wearing the white shirt and that funny beard, standing right between the Sinha lookalike and Digu is a vernacular journo called Dayanand. He has the reputation of being a police panch, prone to bouts of selective amnesia in the courtroom. Why don't you guys ask him how an Israeli arrested for possession of ecstasy worth several lakh managed to escape sentence. We think he'd stutter. Ask him chappies, at some press conference will you. Hey and why we've mentioned PRUDENT in the slug? Well, its a news capsule that's being run by Rajan Narayan, which has a mighty soft corner for Digamber Kamat. Well, the corner's so soft, you'd almost think that rot has set in.
Prudent media is owned by Rajan Narayan... That's news to me.
That means he is doing illegal broadcasting ... assuming that the following link is true http://penpricks.blogspot.com/2007/08/garbled-signals.html
Anon 1: Hey we said run... The owner must be some mineowner or a builder knowing Rajan
Note: We've deleted another vulgar comment on Agnelo Pereira... This guy such rubbish, the way magnet pulls in iron... Whats the secret Mr Agnelo
pen pricks: "This guy such rubbish, the way magnet pulls in iron... " ?
Agnelo is a straight forward guy. He is even more interesting when he gets (gussa) angry!
Great stuff on the marathi reporter - with Drug-dealer links.
It is time the newspaper of channel which he represents should find out the truth and put an end to one of the many 'bad apples" in Goa journalism.
Will they do it and do they have the inclination to do it is even murkier, than the murkier side of the new elctronic media and rurual journalists who are entering the Goan media scence with out any traning but with dubious character backgrounds.
Old habits die hard and the same when you are flushed with money by drug dealers and others, you continue it with and you crave for more that the psychological inclination towards it. that's for sure.
Anon 2: You are bang on there... Agnelo does shoot straight
Anon 3: Thanks for the comments man. Write back.
STAR & THE FAR(T)...The Guy in Blue is Sujay Gupta, ex-Editor GT (remember the man who splashed all those pics of Parrikar Cops lifting Philip Neri out of Goa Assembly) and Bearded Dayanand would remind You of Pink Pather.
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