Wednesday 30 May 2007


Hi, a reader sent in this...

Was horrified this morning after picking up the papers to see what I initially thought was GT doing the same thing as the Herald -- for Dinar Tarcar this time.
But fortunately, at the bottom of the puff piece is a note saying 'Advertisement'. Is ink so expensive that Herald can't do the same? Or is the money not being shown in accounts?
Can't one complain to the ECI about this? And if Herald's defence is that these are not ads but articles, we can complain to whatever court it is up there that judges incompetent journalists :-) Suggested punishment: rest of these people's lifetimes to be spent reading their own garbage.

PENPRICKS: Another exception was that the piece was written in first person. The monies raked in by the newspaper here appears less grave than the signal being sent to the readers. Someone ought to make a case of it before the ECI. But then rest assured, the edit on the following day would read 'assault on media freedom'. The paper has already made ground for it by claiming that the ECI has been unnecessarily active in these elections. But something must be done. Way, anyone?


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